Lockdown in Wales

Lockdown in Wales

Making plans during Lockdown in Wales - Part 1

We can’t travel at the moment but there are still lots of things we can do and a fair bit specifically in relation to travel.

Firstly we’ve been looking back.  Looking back at places we’ve been, looking back at old photos. Not just flicking through but actually transporting ourselves back there.  Us adults have changed a little there’s a bit more grey hair on view!  But it’s incredible to see how the children have grown.

We’ve been busy planning where we want to visit as soon as the lockdown in Wales restrictions are eased.  Initially these places are within the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park before moving into Carmarthenshire and then further afield within Wales.  Ultimately, we want to do as much as we can further afield within the UK.  Places like Cornwall, Devon, Kent, Yorkshire, Northumberland and back to Edinburgh to name just a few.

We thought we’d share our list with you as it features some really great places.  This first lot are all in Pembrokeshire.

Newport, Pembrokeshire

Newport is less than 10 miles, and only around 20 minutes, away from us in the car.  There are at least 4 different beaches in Newport.  But we’ll be heading straight to Newport Sands (Traeth Mawr) when we are allowed to.  It’s one of our favourite beaches in Pembrokeshire  and one of the few in Wales that you can actually take the car on.  Meaning it will be perfect for our first trip after the easing of lockdown in Wales.  We love the coast and there should be no problem with Social distancing on this huge beach but if there appears to be, we just won’t get out of the car.  We’’ll simply wind down the windows and take in the sounds and smells as well as the fantastic views of the sea here.  It always blows away the cobwebs.

Ffynone Waterfall

We love waterfalls. Who doesn’t?  In fact, one of us is a bit obsessed with them.  It isn’t a problem as such and we are fortunate that there are lots of waterfalls in Wales.  This one is just 17 miles and 30 minutes away from us but we’re not gonna lie we don’t really know exactly where!  So this may be a bit of an adventure.  Another reason we want to go is that we recently built a gym and the timber for the frame came from these 325 acre woods so it’ll be great to feel that connection.

St. David's

St Davids is one of our favourite places in the world!  And we try to get across there at least a couple of times a year.  Every year.  It’s just 40 minutes from us and there is so much to see and do here.  It’s also an incredibly atmospheric place with the Cathedral at it’s heart.  As well as being a city (yes really!), the smallest in Wales, there are a couple of fantastic beaches in St David’s and we plan on visiting both.

Strumble Head

Strumble Head

Strumble Head lighthouse is the closest of the three Lighthouses on the Pembrokeshire Coast.  It’s just under 20 miles to from us but will take approximately 40 minutes to get there.  The lighthouse sits on a tiny island just off the coast and is now automatically operated.  There is no access onto the lighthouse but the wildlife and views from here are breathtaking.  

St. Govans Head

This place is truly amazing.  Saint Govan originally built a hermit’s cell on this site and later, in the 14th Century, St. Govan’s Church was built.  It’s mind blowing to try and think of what it took to actually build the church into the cliff back then.  There’s a steep set of steps to get down and of course back up!  We count them both ways and very rarely come to the same answer.  The reward for climbing back up is that there’s usually an ice cream van waiting at the top!  Mr Whippy all round!


This is just our initial list and all these journeys are within around 45 minutes from where we live.  We’re hoping that lockdown in Wales is eased gradually and sensibly and if it is we’re planning on being sensible ourselves.  We should be able to socially distance in these places and if we really can’t we’ll turn around and come home.  Even to see these places from the relative safety of the car will be worth it and when we do we’ll be sharing our experiences right here with you.  We’ll also be posting Part 2 next week so keep a look out and in the meantime stay safe and take care. 

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4 thoughts on “Lockdown in Wales”

  1. So nice to see you guys thinking ahead to life post (sort of) lockdown. Looks like you’re very lucky to have lots of outdoor places nearby where you can enjoy the place and keep safe.

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